Monday, December 8, 2008

Of Inertness

I just got confused by some of my titles, so I thought I'd write them down here real quick, at least the ones that are actually somewhat off the mark.

crustacean invincibility: referring to "the immortality of the crab", i.e. daydreaming.
exotericity: exoteric: suitable to be imparted to the public; capable of being fully or readily comprehended.
polyester: plastic material. referring to things that are artificial, fake.
quintessence: something that is typical, a perfect example.
sesquipedality: the use of long words, latin for "five foot long".
verisimilitude: apperance of being real (alright, that one was actually explained in the post).
legendary nativity: a reference to the birth of the Christ, which Christmas commemorates.

Is this an excuse for not being able to write a real post? Yes. Normal activity will resume tomorrow.

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