Monday, December 1, 2008

Of Respite

I decided in the end not to write anything on the subjects I mentioned last week. In fact, those days that I originally intended to use for working on this minor thing turned out to be instead a respite, and a well-needed such.
Or would that really be the word? It's like saying you'll take a respite from relaxing. While it is true that writing does stand out to spark thought, and it does take a little time off other things in life, I don't find it to be much of a strain, or to be particularly hard or annoying. However, I had run out of posts last week, and in order to beat my quota of once per day, I'd have to work pretty hard at it, write something every day or so. And in the end, I just felt that I've made my excuse to myself, and that was it. I took a few days off.

And I do feel slightly refreshed. I decided to spend the afternoon writing down everything that I had on my mind right now, and I think I can probably fill out this fifth week quite easily. I've looked over that short story a little, and while it will need a lot of editing, I'm quite satisfied nonetheless.
What to do with it, however, is another question entirely. In the end, I think I'll just let it gather some dust. Publish it through Google Docs, get it onto the net, dump links here and there. I doubt I'll try to submit it to real criticism, and even if I did want to, I've no idea where I'd get it. It's also perfectly timed to be done before my new short story assignment begins, and I think I'll write something half-decent for that. I don't think I'll submit Mind at Rest to my English teacher anyway.

I also took time during the week to go to a press showing of Rachel Getting Married, and reviewing it as appropriate. I suppose it's old news to most of the Englishmen/Americans, but as things have a tendency to turn up at least a month later in Sweden, it has yet to be released. At the same time, the Stockholm Film Festival is in full steam, and I've had movies nearly every night this week. It's been a welcome change, and it's led me to think a little more about films as a medium. It's also been a rather interesting experience as a whole to watch films in that sense, as I before have been largely limited to your average Hollywood flick with a few friends, and the occasional European thing with my family.

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